My breast implant story

Wanna chat about my boobs? šŸ˜…

In 2 weeks, Iā€™ll be getting my breast implants removed as well as doing a lift and a full tummy tuck. I plan to chat about it a bit over on my instagram but thought Iā€™d share the full story over here. Spoiler alert: if youā€™re thinking about implants, this might change your mind!

Ok so letā€™s flash back to 2014. I was recently separated from my first husband, a single mom to 2 young kids, and just trying to put the pieces of my life back together. At the time I was living with family and truly had no idea what I was going to do. I was so vulnerable. Then comes along the man of the hourā€¦

Weā€™ll call him, uh, ā€œShwan.ā€ This man is manipulative, egotistical, insensitive, and omg you guys he is so unattractive! When you hear what I did for this guy you are going to seriously judge me because at the very least I could have bent over backward for someone hot. šŸ˜‚ So we start dating, and he does his thing. Constantly telling me things like, ā€œYouā€™re so lucky Iā€™m with you because you have kids and nobody wants that.ā€ ā€œMy ex-girlfriend was so hot I always felt like I was getting judged when we were walking down the street because she was more attractive than me but I donā€™t feel like that with you at all.ā€ and one of my personal favorites, and the reason for this story: ā€œHonestly, I just donā€™t like small boobs. I canā€™t see myself marrying someone with small boobs. My ex got implants, you should get them, too.ā€

And just like thatā€¦ I was at the surgeon having a consultation about new boobies. At that point, I had breastfed 2 kids, lost a lot of weight (in a very ā€œtoo skinnyā€ disordered type of wayā€¦ more on that another day) and my breasts were lowww and flat. Of course there was some part of me that was okay with getting the surgery, or I wouldnā€™t have done it. But trust meā€¦ it was not my idea.

Alright, letā€™s flash forward a bit because thatā€™s enough background on my POS ex. But pleaseā€¦ if youā€™re a single galā€¦ heed my warning. Never ever ever ever ever change your body or allow yourself to be manipulated by anyone into thinking youā€™re not good enough. You are.

So I get these implants- 325cc silicone gel, texured and shaped. Also known as gummy bear implants. Immediately I can tell something is off with the right one. I was having a ton of sharp pains that I wasnā€™t having on the left and I could feel it moving around. I was told it was just part of the healing process and it would settle and sort itself out. Just about 6 weeks into my healing, the a**hole who made me get these things in the first place as a contingency of marrying him- breaks up with me over a text message. Iā€™m not kidding you guys, I canā€™t make this stuff up.

Some of the symptoms of breast implant illness I think I experienced:

  • Fatigue (likeā€¦ really fatigued)

  • Heightened anxiety

  • Joint pain

  • Rosacea (honestly not sure if this came from my implantsā€¦ but I didnā€™t have it before and I developed it within 2 years of getting them in)

Other negatives I experienced:

  • Discomfort on the right side. I have always been able to feel it moving around

  • Difficulty doing chest exercises

  • Breast sagging around the implants. I have 4 boobs šŸ˜‚

  • I have a super hard time finding shirts. If it fits around my chest itā€™s too big on my waist- and if it fits my waist itā€™s too tight on my chest.

  • Really hard time finding bras. 32DDD isnā€™t an easy size.

  • General feeling of heaviness in my chest. I just feel big and heavy al the time.

Four years after getting my implants in 2019 I read this news article about a breast implant recall. Sure enough- they were the ones I had. Apparently your risk of a particular type of inflammatory breast cancer goes up due to these implants. So now my anxiety is through the roof. Iā€™m like I NEED to get these things out. But low and behold- I get pregnant šŸ˜…. A few months after having my last baby I call a surgeon about doing a removal but was told your BMI is too high for us to help you, try UCLA breast center. Too fat to even have my implants removed! How ironic considering I absolutely think they were a contributing factor to my weight gain and inability to lose.

I didnā€™t end up ever going to UCLA, but the second I hit a certain weight after going on a glp-1 I consulted with a local plastic surgeon. I went back and forth between replacing or not replacing my implants. I ultimately decided to not replace them, and just do an explant with lift. I am also getting a full tummy tuck with muscle repair, but that is a story for another post :)

Iā€™m nervous about the recovery, but I have a ton of help. I am so excited to get these things out of my body and move on with my life. I look forward to not having to wear a bra every single day, shopping for tops being easier, and most importantlyā€¦ feeling comfortable again.

Iā€™ll update you guys on the recovery process. Love you. xo